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Energy audit

Definition of energy audit in buildings in Ukraine was given in DSTU H B A.2.2-5: 2007 "Guidelines for the development and preparation of energy passport of buildings for new construction and reconstruction" and sounds like "Defining PER efficiency heating buildings during operation including analysis of architectural and planning decisions, instrumental determination of thermal insulating building envelope performance and power characteristics of engineering equipment, patterns of energy consumption during heating period, determine whether the actual unit cost of heat regulatory value determine potential energy savings, offer reasonable efforts to improve energy efficiency of the building.

Historically, the Law of Ukraine on energy efficiency, adopted in 1994, and few regulations to him in nearly two decades almost have not undergone any changes. Moreover, numerous unsuccessful attempts to adopt a "Law on Energy Efficiency of Buildings" in 2009, the situation is completely brought to a standstill. And the sparkle in the cake: the Order №120 from 05.29.2015 Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine has canceled the issuance of certificates to conduct energy audits. This document was also canceled Interim Regulations on the energy business surveys and certification of specialized organizations for the right to the vote (concerned all companies and organizations involved in energy audit, and organizations that provide methodological guidance rationing energy consumption in the sectors of social production Ukraine, regardless of subordination and ownership) and the organization and conduct energy surveys budgetary institutions, organizations and state-owned enterprises. No doubt, the situation will soon return to the legal framework, the more that energy conservation is important today as ever.

So look forward to updating the regulatory framework and do that very well able to: perform energy audits of enterprises, residential and public buildings, developing energy passports expect a payback period of energy-saving measures.

In our portfolio companies - numerous audits of private homes, public and commercial facilities. In particular, these 21 social facilities in the Primorsky district of Zaporozhye region, building SE «DNDIASB" in Kiev, shopping and entertainment complex "Duffy" and "Compass" supermarket "Budmen" in Kharkov, HATOB plant "YUBS Promotional "Kharkiv regional office, Hotel" Kharkiv Palace ", 100 items on the program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions ("Kyoto Protocol") and many private facilities.

Report on energy include:

analysis of energy consumption

actual state walling and thermal characteristics

proposed measures to reduce energy consumption, preliminary value and payback periods of each activity and their population.

Thus, energy expert should work at the intersection of electricity, heat, construction science and economics.

Our team successfully accomplished this difficult task, and the main result - a pleasure many customers.

The most popular service in the winter - a Thermal imaging inspection of buildings using thermal imaging and measuring the heat flux density. The company "Antyipour2007" LLC, which experts have extensive and varied experience in the field of energy, offers services for thermal inspection of industrial and office buildings. Complete Thermal imaging inspection includes an examination of buildings walling walls and roof outside and a detailed examination of identified problem areas with low resistance to heat transfer from inside the premises. According to a survey, a report to the definition of the general state of insulation of the building, problem areas and insulation defects, the list of recommended measures to improve the insulating characteristics of the building and eliminate defects. After completion of the buildings thermo desirable control Thermal imaging survey of the building envelope. Saving energy by the implementation of energy saving measures typically ranges from 10% to 30% depending on the original condition of the insulation and the volume of work performed on thermo-building. Work on thermal imaging survey conducted using the thermal imager "Fluke Ti - 20" while the temperature difference of at least 15 ° outside and inside the premises.